Thursday, May 19, 2011

Adnans Arboretum has registered for contribution of observations to this site.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2011 03 -7 H. Walk

Adnans Arboretum - model of Adnans prosjekt

Adnan created a private arboretum. 

He collected all kind of forest-plants and used them to re-establish a forest environment in an abandoned industrial building.
This indoor area contained rocks and pebbles, moss, humus, nutrient solution containers and circulation systems.
Discarded street lighting gave a seasonal cycle without winter. The indoor climate at the site was regulated by excess heat from a local industry nerby.
The photos above are showing the semi autonomous arboretum of Adnan, as I remember it. The selection principle was based upon Adnans subjective and emotional relation to the forest. 
A forest giving an extreme contrast to the landscape were he grew up, but still a place for contemplation and rest.
                                                                                                                            Lars Traegde

dokumenttion Adnans Arboretum. Haugar Vestfold Artmuseum 2011

pollenarchive - a selection

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Adnans Arboretum

Adnan arrived Scandinavia in 1982.
In his native country, an infrastructure such as an airport, would never have been established in a green, fertile landscape as were Adnans plane landed.
Adnan spent days and weeks, hiking in the woods. 
Trying to understand the landscapes and nature, was both an escape and a way of coping with posttraumatic stress.
He collected all kind of plants, trees, grass, ferns and moss. It was all used to re-establish a forest-like environment in an abandoned industrial building.
This indoor area contained rocks and pebbles, moss, humus, nutrient solution containers and circulation systems.
Discarded street lighting gave a seasonal cycle without winter. The indoor climate at the site was regulated by excess heat from a local industry nearby.

Adnan created an indoor, secret arboretum.
He modelled enlargements of pollen grains as a part of his project.
Adnans work gave a pollen-archive and a semi autonomous arboretum, were the principle of selection was based only upon Adnans subjective and emotional relation to the forest.
A forest giving an extreme contrast to the landscape were he grew up, but still a place for contemplation and rest.
Adnan has not been in Scandinavia after a journy to Lebanon, 1999.
The name Adnan is arabic. It means ”one who is settled”
How can I know all this?
I know Adnan. I worked with him. I listened to him in the lunchbreaks, as he told me about his native country, the music he was listening to, and the books he was reading.
I visited his Arboretum several times, as I always woundered where his ideas came from.

Monday, March 21, 2011

About Adnans Arboretum

In 2008 I decided to tell my story about Adnan and his exceptional interest in collecting and cataloging plants from Scandinavian forests.
Respecting the biological knowlegde Adnan aqcuired, I have engaged the quaternary geologist Anna Plikk to reconstruct a collection of pollen-sculptures, a pollen-archive.
The photos from Adnans walks are all taken by me, a sort of reconstruction of the walks, and Adnans situation.
I have  created profiles at facebook, spotify and instagram, suggesting who I think Adnan could be today. When spending time on the internet, time passes by very quick. It turnes into a meditative navigation, npt unlike the experience of walking for ours in the woods.
Amazing presentations of countless artprojects, musicvideos, soundworks, or stuff about global environmental challenges replaces eachother, and forces (me) to think.

Through Adnans social profiles, his concerns and interests I am creating a portait, a sort of personal characteristics, as i have done in other projects like l'Orangerie and Eliassens samling as well. 

Adnans Arboretum was shown as an early version at Haugar art museum the spring 2011. 

                                                                                                                                                                            Lars Traegde

Sunday, March 20, 2011


a closer listen - about Savaran & Barbara De Dominicis ~ Strandline
Shiri Malckin - Ginger is living
headphonecommute - and darkness came
casa-la-baronia (architecture)
Deerwoman (soundwork)

Undead Instruments - timeFrog II -