Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2011 03 -7 H. Walk

Adnans Arboretum - model of Adnans prosjekt

Adnan created a private arboretum. 

He collected all kind of forest-plants and used them to re-establish a forest environment in an abandoned industrial building.
This indoor area contained rocks and pebbles, moss, humus, nutrient solution containers and circulation systems.
Discarded street lighting gave a seasonal cycle without winter. The indoor climate at the site was regulated by excess heat from a local industry nerby.
The photos above are showing the semi autonomous arboretum of Adnan, as I remember it. The selection principle was based upon Adnans subjective and emotional relation to the forest. 
A forest giving an extreme contrast to the landscape were he grew up, but still a place for contemplation and rest.
                                                                                                                            Lars Traegde

dokumenttion Adnans Arboretum. Haugar Vestfold Artmuseum 2011

pollenarchive - a selection